Twisted Fairy Tales!
June 16 - 20 ages 6-9
What if the prince lost his shoe in Cinderella? Or Sleeping Beauty was really a secret spy? Let's choose some fairy tales, give them our own special twist, choose costumes and props (or make some!) and present a show at the end of the week!
Monday-Friday from 9:00-noon
$210 per session
A Midsummer Night's Dream
June 23 - 27 ages 9 - 14
​Come dive in to Shakespeare's classic play where fairy magic is around every corner and hilarious characters get into all sorts of mischief. ​​ Let's choose our favorite characters, costumes, and props and craft our own version of this fun play for a performance at the end of the week.​
Monday-Friday from 9:00-noon
$210 per session
*Save 10% on this drama camp when you make it a full day camp by adding it to your Summer Ballet Academy registration.
Wizards, Fairies,
and Magical Things
July 14-18 ages 3-6
Do you love using your imagination to make believe? Making up sstories? Pretending to be a fairy, a wizard, or any other magical creature? Then this drama camp is just for you! Let's create characters and stories and use costumes and props to make up our own magical play to share at the end of the week!
Monday-Friday from 9:00-noon
$210 per session
For more information email
or call 919-932-2676